Latest News

'Contact us online'

You can contact us about a medical, administrative or prescription issue by clicking HERE .  Answer a few short questions and we will reply to let you know a date that your query will be dealt with, this service is for non-urgent requests.  If your problem is more urgent you can either contact the practice, call 111 or go to Primary Care 24 based at King's Mill Hospital.  The submitted forms will only be read during working hours 9.00 am - 5.00 pm.  The forms will not be read on the weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) or on bank holidays.  They will not be read Monday-Friday between the hours of 5.00 pm - 9.00 am.  During busy times we may have to turn this option off due to demand.


Safer Sleep 

Sadly, around 6 babies die every year in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire where unsafe sleep arrangements are a factor.   To prevent further deaths we need everyone working with families in Nottinghamshire to help ensure safe sleep advice is followed.   Please see these links for further information 


What is the NHS App?

The NHS App is changing the way in which patients throughout the UK can take control of their health and care. Open to anyone over the age of 13 with an NHS account, the App has a range of features that benefit users, saving them time and unnecessary visits to healthcare settings, all through a single application.

 Features and benefits include*:

  • Access to health and care records
  • Ordering repeat prescriptions
  • Monitoring and tracking symptoms
  • Access to 111 Online health information
  • Managing appointments
  • Online consultations
  • Giving family and friends proxy access to your records where needed

Further to this, for users in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, additional functionality is included within the NHS App through a third-party service called Patients Know Best (PKB). You can register for PKB within the app, and this gives you additional access to health and care records, results from tests and consultations, and the ability to receive appointment letters through the app rather than in the post.

All of your information is secure and confidential through the NHS App 

How to register for the NHS App

  • Download the NHS App
  • Set up your NHS login
  • Prove who you are – you only need to do this once to register
  • Provide your postcode – it must be the one registered with your GP
  • Online Consultations
  • Your information will then be checked, and a confirmation email received in 2-3 hours

More detailed information on this process can be found at:

Social media messaging

Generic NHS App message

Download the NHS App for FREE now and take control of your health and care. Convenient benefits and features save you time, with NHS healthcare information available at your fingertips.

Find out more at

Repeat prescriptions message

Did you know that you can order your repeat prescriptions through the NHS App? Download the app for FREE today and register to save yourself time and unnecessary phone calls to your surgery.

Find out more at

Sicknote message

Did you know that if you need a sicknote, you can request one through the NHS App? Simply download the app for FREE, register your details, and complete the sicknote form.

Find out more at

Online consultations message

If you need to speak to your GP but struggle to access the practice, you may be able to access an online consultation through the NHS App. Download today and register your details.

 Find out more at

Managing appointments message

Did you know you can receive and manage your healthcare appointments through the NHS App? Download the app for FREE to see how to book, amend or cancel appointments at the touch of a button.

Find out more at 

Sharing records message

Through the NHS App, you can give family, friends and/or health professionals access to your care records to support your health needs. Download the app for FREE to see how this could benefit you.

Find out more at

Friends & Family Test

We would appreciate if you could spare a couple of minutes to complete this Patient Engagement Friends & Family Test - My Surgery Website ( we would really appreciate gathering your thoughts please.

The latest Survey Results comparing April 2023 and April 2024

Method of CollectionMonthTotal CountVery GoodGoodNeither Good nor poorPoor Very PoorDon't Know
WebsiteJune 230000000
Surgery manual collectionsJune 237610000
Text MessagingJune 23251210275441
WebsiteJune 241100000
Surgery manual collectionsJune 240000000
Text MessagingJune 24290242287562

Healthy Family Teams Advice Line : Healthy Family Team Advice Line

A single point of access for parents & carers who would like to speak to the Healthy Family Teams for support and advice covering 0-19years.

Help for Teens - are you looking for a range of advice from mood to sexual health -follow the link to a website offering a range of advice/help

Local mental health advice and help for young people in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

Help and advice for 0-5 years including pregnancy advice follow the link:

Health for Kids - Helpful website to help your children grow and flourish:

Health advice to help your children grow and flourish.

Veteran Health

As a veteran friendly accredited practice, we are mindful of the specific health needs for veterans and their families. Further information on veterans health and wellbeing is available from this NHS website:

Dementia Connect

Dementia Connect from the Alzheimer's Society is a new personalised dementia support service for anyone affected by dementia.  The can offer support online,fact to face or by telephone and can help with coping techniques, local support groups, emotional support and support with everyday living, such as govenment benefits.

Kickstart your health:

Are you ready to kickstart your health? Be it getting more exercise, stopping smoking, losing weight, drinking less or even taking care of your mind, the NHS Better Health website has lots of tools and support to help you reach your goals, visit or click this link

SCAM & Phishing Messages and e-mails 

We have been alerted that there may be a scam message being sent.  This looks genuine as it says NHS No Reply and asks users to click on a link and may appear from different surgeries.  Please be vigilant when responding to messages you receive especially if you are not expecting them or haven't initiated it.  If in doubt please check with us.  Our health informatics service have provided the following advice for any e-mails/text messages etc that you may receive from any source. 

1. Be vigilant and suspicious – if something looks too good to be true it generally is. If an email comes from a colleague, but doesn’t sound like them and isn’t formatted in the way they would write – be suspicious. Call your colleague to check or validate the details by contacting them directly. 2. Never give out your own or anyone else’s passwords, bank details or other sensitive data. A legitimate organisation will NEVER ask for this data via email (or telephone). If in any doubt don’t say anything and seek advice. It is best to be cautious.3. Check the spelling – Often spam emails may look like the real thing, but with words misspelled or contain bad grammar.4. Were you expecting this email?   Use your mouse to hover over any links to check that it matches the URL (web address) that you were expecting.  Check the ‘reply to’ email and address, does it match the ‘from’ address?  5. Check links in any password reset (or other) emails very carefully – check they are taking you to a legitimate site. If in doubt, navigate to the site directly (without using the email link) and login directly. This is a common “phishing” technique.6. Don’t open attachments from anyone you don’t know or that are not from a trusted source.7. Don’t reply to spam or forward chain emails.  Do not unsubscribe from any unsolicited “spam” emails – this just confirms you are a real address.

Mental Health Help and Support



Are you worried or concerned about someone else's mental health but not sure how to start a conversation - please click on the links below for tips and help:

 Safe to talk - suicide


Useful Links:

Age UK Notts: 0115 844 0011 – Covid 19 support including shopping for essential items, prescription collection and daily social contact calls for those who are self-isolated/ shielded.


Silverline: 0800 4 70 80 90 – 24/7 friendship/ information/ advice for older people


The Alzheimer’s Society are taking referrals and are providing 1-1 support over the phone to people with dementia and their carers. Dementia Support Workers are doing specific risk assessments for people with dementia for covid-19 and are doing welfare calls weekly for those that live alone or are otherwise vulnerable and fortnightly/ monthly calls for other people. They are also providing general dementia support e.g. benefits, lasting power of attorney, planning for the future, accessing care homes etc over the phone. There are also volunteers working centrally to provide companionship calls for anyone with dementia/ their carers who just wants a chat which can be as regular as needed. This can all be accessed by phoning 0115 9343811


For carers:


Nottinghamshire Carers Hub: 0115 824 8824

The carers hub provide information, advice and guidance.

Signposting to other services.

Access to carers breaks

Peer support.

Access to counselling.

Access to carers assessments and much more.



pharmacy first

Do you pay for your Prescriptions?

If the answer is NO.  Are you suffering from any of the following?

•  Allergy•  Hay fever
•  Athlete’s Foot•  Conjunctivitis
•  Constipation•  Diarrhoea
•  Earache•  Haemorrhoids
•  Headlice•  Insect Bites/Stings
•  Sore Throat•  Teething Pain
•  Threadworm•  Toothache
•  Thrush (Vaginal)•  Verruca’s
•  Warts

Stay Well - Think Pharmacy First

Helping you to help yourself

If the answer is YES to any of the above, then you DO NOT need to see a GP.  Choose from one of the Chemists listed in the link below and they will be able to prescribe you medication that the GP would offer you FREE OF CHARGE.

Pharmacy First

Pharmacy First’ is also available to patients who pay for their prescriptions.  Many over the counter preparations are cheaper than paying for a prescription.
A Pharmacist will refer you back to the surgery if they think you need to be seen by a GP.
When making an URGENT Appointment.
The Doctors kindly ask that you give the Receptionist a brief description of your problem, to enable them to direct you to the most appropriate Clinician.  
However, we do understand if you  DO NOT wish to disclose this.

Bower Cancel Screening

Bowel Cancer Screening for over 60, have you done your test?  Please read this leaflet

Common complaints



Sports injuries


Sports-related injuries from playing football and outdoor activities are also a bigger issue. Sprained ankles, wrists and broken bones are common sights in urgent care clinics and emergency rooms between spring and summer, according to the experts.

Treatment for these injuries typically requires a little home care. If you’ve suffered a strain or sprain use RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression Elevation) therapy or visit your pharmacy for advice. But if something feels seriously wrong or keeps getting worse, head to the doctor or call 111 as soon as possible.


Choose the right service for your illness or injury

Unnecessary GP visits can drain resources from caring for older, chronically-ill people, and have a knock-on effect of placing A&E and emergency departments under further pressure.

All kinds of minor illnesses and injuries, from insect bites to hay fever, sun burn to minor cuts, can be treated at home with advice and medicines from your local pharmacist.

Self-care is the best option if you have a common summer health complaint.

Your high street pharmacy can give you expert advice without an appointment.


You can also call 111 free of charge, 24 hours a day, 365 days a week for a medical emergency that does not require a 999 call.


Condom Collection Point, anyone aged 13 - 24 years old - C-Card Scheme

We are a collection point for free condoms and lubes if you are aged between 13 & 24 years old and have a C-card. Our staff are fully trained to give these out. We have lots in stock. You don't have to be a patient at Orchard to collect them just show your C-card to one of our receptionists.

If you would like to register for a C-card please click on the link below to find a registration point near you.


🌟 Free & confidential STI testing for those aged 16+ now available online in Nottinghamshire 🌟 

👉 Your sexual health matters, and we’re here to support you with FREE and confidential STI testing, right at your fingertips. No hassle, no worries. 

Why wait? Take control of your sexual health today. Our online testing service is easy, discreet and completely confidential. Whether you’re at home or on the go, we’ve got you and your health covered.

 🔗 Click the link below to order your free and confidential STI test today.

 Remember, your local sexual health services are still here for you. For more information, visit 

If you are a resident of Nottingham, please visit for your testing needs. 

Take a step towards a healthier you. It’s free, it’s easy and it’s all about your wellbeing 💚



Patients can now self refer to physiotherapy without the need to see a GP first  Fill out this form Self Referral - Physio and send off via email, post or hand it in to the practice to send off, the service will then contact you.  


Help for Homeless

We support the homeless by having a box in our waiting area of warm items of clothing and blankets which are available if you need it or you know of someone who does.  If you also have any items of warm clothing or tins of food (non-perishables) please feel free to bring them in.  We do from time to time also give the items from the box to the Salvation Army on Victoria Street Mansfield when the box is full. 

If you feel you are at risk from becoming homeless, help, information and advice is available for you.  If you would like some help and information regarding who to turn to and where to go please click this link or contact Mansfield District Council on 01623 463121.  If you are not able to retrieve this we have this information within the practice printed out.   Help is out there for you. We also have a box in our waiting area

Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Don't forget you can be part of the Patient Participation Group for Orchard, we are look for any age patient to become a part of it to give ideas, opinions and feedback on the way services are managed and what we can do better and work towards in the future.  Please take a look number 8 under 'further information' if you would like more detail, this also includes dates & times.  

Our Next Meeting date:  Wednesday 22nd May 2024 at 11 am - 12 pm face to face  - new members welcome to join please email for the link

Patient Group Donation - 'YOU SAID WE DID'

Together with our Patient Participation Group it was discussed with patients as we didn't have enough 24 hour blood pressure monitors as one had not been returned.  Thank you to our Patient Participation Group who have donated £500 towards a 24 hour blood pressure monitor to help patients needing to record their BP over a 24 hour period, the practice has also purchased 3 more also.  This will mean less of a wait to loan it out.  The practice are extremely grateful of this kind donation.  Below is a picture of the group donation.

Are you a Carer - help is at hand

Are you a carer or look after someone, help could be at hand, click the link below for details.

Find us on Facebook, Join & Share with your friends 

NHS Website

Please take a look at the NHS Website (formally NHS Choices).  If you would like to leave a review please go to

Insertion & Removal of Coils & Implants

We offer the insertion and removal of Mirena Coils & Implants.   We hold regular clinics with a female GP.  Please speak to our receptionist for further information. 

Text Messaging Service

You can now register to receive information by text message on your phone regarding appointments and health care. 

If you wish to register for this messaging service please fill out the consent form.

Named Accountable GP

From 1 April 2015, practices are required under the contract to allocate a named, accountable GP to all patients (including children). 

Unless you have specified an alternative GP your named accountable GP will be the doctor you are registered under. This will in no way effect your care from the Practice and you will be seen by all GPs who have equal access to your medical records.  Unless you pre-book your appointment in advance you will be allocated a GP subject to availability on that day. 

Accessible Information Standard

The Accessible Information Standard aims to ensure that people who have a disability or sensory loss receive information that they can access and understand (for example in large print, braille) and professional communication support if you need it, such as from a British Sign Language interpreter. 

We can update your patient record with this information you can let a receptionist know or complete the attached form. Accessible Information Form


Health News from the BBC and the NHS

BBC Health
NHS Choices Behind the Headlines
Call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergencyNHS ChoicesThis site is brought to you by My Surgery Website